And so it begins! Who knew what started out as a bouncing idea between a couple friends would culminate in life changing investments for a little faith group in Zambia... and enable the improvement of so many lives downstream.
Thanks everyone who's supported CAM through this project. Liz, Keisha, and I will continue to work with Stan and his group each in our own special way; we've all become such great friends in the last few years, and as our own lives evolve in amazing directions it's great to have this bond to always fall back on. Human beings, without one another, have nothing in this world to gain. Look forward to all the great things to come!
We bought 2 wonderful iron metallic gray Filing cabinets from the fundraiser as was planned and budgeted. We also bought some wood (particle board) from one of the shops in town and asked Isaac, one of my brothers to make the wooden filing cabinet for CAM organization free of charge.

We are so grateful to you, our partners for all these necessary storage devices that you have made Christian Aid Ministries to have. Our work will be more organized as files will be kept safe and in order. We will no longer be losing necessary documents as we used to because of lack of storage facilities like the ones that we have bought.

We are so glad to inform you that we also bought an office desk from the Fundraiser money that was sent to Christian Aid Ministries by HOB as we requested and as was budgeted. This kind of the desk is high quality and it is very durable because it is made out of metal. It is convenient for office use as it has three lockable drawers where we can even store certain important documents and finances such as petty cash for the day-to-day running affairs of the Christian Aid Ministries. It also has another extension desk which makes an “L “shape when joined together with the main desk. This can provide enough space to allow two persons to seat diagonally, each with his/her own computer working and attending to different persons and issues at the same time, it is big. We are so grateful to all those faithful partners of Christian Aid Ministries who contributed towards the Walk of Lions Fundraiser last year. You have really brought joy to our organization and the entire staff for this wonderful gesture so as for CAM to operate professionally the way other organizations operate.

We bought a Color and Black and White HP 6500 Office jet Printer. This Printer has four functions: it can print, photocopy, scan and fax if connected to the land line. It is a very very powerful and durable machine indeed. We are so grateful and delighted with this 4 in 1 office jet printer because we will no longer be spending money on Printing, or photocopying or even scanning like the way we used to previously, now all the printing, scanning and photocopying works will be done right at CAM office at our home in Kwacha East. This is a HUGE saving for Christian Aid Ministries.

Thank you so much thank you! We even bought a Dell Desktop computer from the fundraiser funds from HOB. This was totally God’s favor and I have never seen this kind of favor not even when we purchasing food for the patients or in any little expenditure for CAM that we make on a monthly basis, this was the first of its kind. We thank you so much our faithful partners for your prayers for this God’s favor, please, keep praying for us, we Love you!!!

We bought a 10.2 Mega Pixels Samsung digital Camera that is even able to take video and still pictures. It is such a dynamic gadget and is powerful and latest of its kind. There will be no need of buying batteries there is a small battery right inside that is rechargeable immediately you connect it to the computer even when you are editing the pictures. All we need now is to buy a camera pouch and the memory card that were being sold separately. Thank you so much for your support all those that contributed towards the fundraiser. These are the items that have bought from the hard-earned money that you sacrificially contributed towards The Walk of Lions. This money had great, great favor I can tell you. On every item that we purchased, we were given some substantial discount. This is what God can do.
Thank you so much for saving Chistian Aid Ministries on the lofty expenses it used to make on printing, photocopying and scanning. Some documents could not even be printed out or photocopied because color printing and photocopying is even more expensive and not many public secretarial services are able to provide such services. The ministry is thanking everyone who wholeheartedly and selflessly contributed to this Fundraiser! You have made our office work easier, cheaper and cost effective. We're really very appreciative of your contributions. May the Almighty God Bless you and replenish where these contributions came from. These gadgets and instruments have come at such a right time when we need them most in Christian Aid Ministries!!! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You for your support! We Love you so much and together we are one family!!!

We also purchased 12 plastic garden chairs for the Chest Clinic TB patients Feeding Program from the Fundraiser that HOB sent a week before. These chairs will be divided into three sets of four chairs per set where one Volunteer and three TB clients will be able to seat to be attended to.

We bought a Flip Chart Stand that we were yearning for from the funds raised from the Walk of Lions fund raising venture. We will now go flat out in sensitizing and educating the civil society and our clients in various communities in our catchment area so that they can learn more on how they can prevent TB and HIV/AIDS in the communities where they live and provide care and support to those that are already infected and affected by this duo epidemics in the community. This device will help us so much in carrying out our outreach teaching and sensitization programs not only on TB and HIV/AIDS but also on other healthy related issues that are affecting the people in various communities.

We also bought 3 (90cm –diameter) round plastic tables for the Chest Clinic patients feeding program. This will be the sitting arrangement that we will be preparing for the Chest Clinic Feeding Program.
Registry - table one will be the Registry. There will be one CAM Zone leader/care-giver sitting there taking details of the patients, such as their names, address and all their healthy conditions, i.e. how they are feeling while they are taking TB drugs or ARVs, their side effects and give advice on how to manage them or go to the healthy centre for medical checkup. This table will be a registry as well as a counseling table and it will be able to accommodate three patients at a time.
Dispensary - table two will be the dispensary. There will be one CAM Zone leader/care-giver sitting there giving food staffs to patients taking all the details of food and quantities that they have taken and ensure that they sign at the end of the dispensary.
Altar – table three will be the altar. This is where patients will be guided on the spiritual matters by one of the CAM Zone leader/Care-Giver.
We will also be having round-table group discussions on TB and HIV/AIDS with our clients. We will be spending quality time with them trying to know how they are faring with TB and the TB drugs and ARVs that they are taking and we will be able to encourage them to go back to the communities where they come from to encourage their relatives, neighbors and friends to go for TB and HIV tests to access early treatment before their conditions could get worse. This will be cheaper on the part of CAM and other institutions that provide care and support to people suffering from TB/HIV/AIDS. We will endeavor to use these tables and chairs and Flip chart stand and all the instruments that you have purchased for us to disseminate information on TB and HIV/AIDS at the Chest clinic and in the communities. We will go flat out. Thank you for your support our faithful partners, God bless you!!!
We have decided to build a shelter at the Chest Clinic where all the Christian Aid Ministries activities will be carried out. The District Health Management Board has also given us a patch of land just next to the Chest Clinic where we can construct this shelter. They have really appreciated our services and they would like to continue partnering with us. Last week the Director of Health sent one of his staff members Mr. Ngoyi in the Environmental Health department to show us where we can build this small shelter. He advised us that the shelter should 12 meters long and 7 meters wide and it should be adjacent to the their shelter out side the chest clinic where patients are given medication. We have even started the process of construction.
We went with our bricklayer there and he had to set the foundation and they started digging the foundation. We have also bought 5 tones of river sand and 3 tones of stones we will now buy seven pockets of cement to make footing and a slab. Thereafter, we will be able to buy six 4 Inch diameter pipes as pillars; 4 in the corners and 2 in the middle as roof suppers. We will then buy Iron sheets for roofing. We want it to look beautiful, convenient and well ventilated. We want its space to accommodate three round tables of four chairs. When our volunteers will be at the chest clinic giving food to the patients, our bricklayers will be there doing some work making the foundation strong. This shelter will only have a 1 meter tall wall all around it and the rest of the space will be airy with a roof on top of it to allow free air circulation as we deal with TB cases.
It is now left to us to reciprocate your well intended efforts by way of making good use of them and ensure that they serve a purpose and last long. We are so very very grateful for this gesture because if it were not for your sacrificial support, we may not have had all these vital office equipments to allow for the smooth running of this organization. God Bless you so much, we love you and we are praying for you!!!

We are so grateful to you, our partners for all these necessary storage devices that you have made Christian Aid Ministries to have. Our work will be more organized as files will be kept safe and in order. We will no longer be losing necessary documents as we used to because of lack of storage facilities like the ones that we have bought.

We are so glad to inform you that we also bought an office desk from the Fundraiser money that was sent to Christian Aid Ministries by HOB as we requested and as was budgeted. This kind of the desk is high quality and it is very durable because it is made out of metal. It is convenient for office use as it has three lockable drawers where we can even store certain important documents and finances such as petty cash for the day-to-day running affairs of the Christian Aid Ministries. It also has another extension desk which makes an “L “shape when joined together with the main desk. This can provide enough space to allow two persons to seat diagonally, each with his/her own computer working and attending to different persons and issues at the same time, it is big. We are so grateful to all those faithful partners of Christian Aid Ministries who contributed towards the Walk of Lions Fundraiser last year. You have really brought joy to our organization and the entire staff for this wonderful gesture so as for CAM to operate professionally the way other organizations operate.

We bought a Color and Black and White HP 6500 Office jet Printer. This Printer has four functions: it can print, photocopy, scan and fax if connected to the land line. It is a very very powerful and durable machine indeed. We are so grateful and delighted with this 4 in 1 office jet printer because we will no longer be spending money on Printing, or photocopying or even scanning like the way we used to previously, now all the printing, scanning and photocopying works will be done right at CAM office at our home in Kwacha East. This is a HUGE saving for Christian Aid Ministries.

Thank you so much thank you! We even bought a Dell Desktop computer from the fundraiser funds from HOB. This was totally God’s favor and I have never seen this kind of favor not even when we purchasing food for the patients or in any little expenditure for CAM that we make on a monthly basis, this was the first of its kind. We thank you so much our faithful partners for your prayers for this God’s favor, please, keep praying for us, we Love you!!!

We bought a 10.2 Mega Pixels Samsung digital Camera that is even able to take video and still pictures. It is such a dynamic gadget and is powerful and latest of its kind. There will be no need of buying batteries there is a small battery right inside that is rechargeable immediately you connect it to the computer even when you are editing the pictures. All we need now is to buy a camera pouch and the memory card that were being sold separately. Thank you so much for your support all those that contributed towards the fundraiser. These are the items that have bought from the hard-earned money that you sacrificially contributed towards The Walk of Lions. This money had great, great favor I can tell you. On every item that we purchased, we were given some substantial discount. This is what God can do.
Thank you so much for saving Chistian Aid Ministries on the lofty expenses it used to make on printing, photocopying and scanning. Some documents could not even be printed out or photocopied because color printing and photocopying is even more expensive and not many public secretarial services are able to provide such services. The ministry is thanking everyone who wholeheartedly and selflessly contributed to this Fundraiser! You have made our office work easier, cheaper and cost effective. We're really very appreciative of your contributions. May the Almighty God Bless you and replenish where these contributions came from. These gadgets and instruments have come at such a right time when we need them most in Christian Aid Ministries!!! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You for your support! We Love you so much and together we are one family!!!

We also purchased 12 plastic garden chairs for the Chest Clinic TB patients Feeding Program from the Fundraiser that HOB sent a week before. These chairs will be divided into three sets of four chairs per set where one Volunteer and three TB clients will be able to seat to be attended to.

We bought a Flip Chart Stand that we were yearning for from the funds raised from the Walk of Lions fund raising venture. We will now go flat out in sensitizing and educating the civil society and our clients in various communities in our catchment area so that they can learn more on how they can prevent TB and HIV/AIDS in the communities where they live and provide care and support to those that are already infected and affected by this duo epidemics in the community. This device will help us so much in carrying out our outreach teaching and sensitization programs not only on TB and HIV/AIDS but also on other healthy related issues that are affecting the people in various communities.

We also bought 3 (90cm –diameter) round plastic tables for the Chest Clinic patients feeding program. This will be the sitting arrangement that we will be preparing for the Chest Clinic Feeding Program.
Registry - table one will be the Registry. There will be one CAM Zone leader/care-giver sitting there taking details of the patients, such as their names, address and all their healthy conditions, i.e. how they are feeling while they are taking TB drugs or ARVs, their side effects and give advice on how to manage them or go to the healthy centre for medical checkup. This table will be a registry as well as a counseling table and it will be able to accommodate three patients at a time.
Dispensary - table two will be the dispensary. There will be one CAM Zone leader/care-giver sitting there giving food staffs to patients taking all the details of food and quantities that they have taken and ensure that they sign at the end of the dispensary.
Altar – table three will be the altar. This is where patients will be guided on the spiritual matters by one of the CAM Zone leader/Care-Giver.
We will also be having round-table group discussions on TB and HIV/AIDS with our clients. We will be spending quality time with them trying to know how they are faring with TB and the TB drugs and ARVs that they are taking and we will be able to encourage them to go back to the communities where they come from to encourage their relatives, neighbors and friends to go for TB and HIV tests to access early treatment before their conditions could get worse. This will be cheaper on the part of CAM and other institutions that provide care and support to people suffering from TB/HIV/AIDS. We will endeavor to use these tables and chairs and Flip chart stand and all the instruments that you have purchased for us to disseminate information on TB and HIV/AIDS at the Chest clinic and in the communities. We will go flat out. Thank you for your support our faithful partners, God bless you!!!
We have decided to build a shelter at the Chest Clinic where all the Christian Aid Ministries activities will be carried out. The District Health Management Board has also given us a patch of land just next to the Chest Clinic where we can construct this shelter. They have really appreciated our services and they would like to continue partnering with us. Last week the Director of Health sent one of his staff members Mr. Ngoyi in the Environmental Health department to show us where we can build this small shelter. He advised us that the shelter should 12 meters long and 7 meters wide and it should be adjacent to the their shelter out side the chest clinic where patients are given medication. We have even started the process of construction.
We went with our bricklayer there and he had to set the foundation and they started digging the foundation. We have also bought 5 tones of river sand and 3 tones of stones we will now buy seven pockets of cement to make footing and a slab. Thereafter, we will be able to buy six 4 Inch diameter pipes as pillars; 4 in the corners and 2 in the middle as roof suppers. We will then buy Iron sheets for roofing. We want it to look beautiful, convenient and well ventilated. We want its space to accommodate three round tables of four chairs. When our volunteers will be at the chest clinic giving food to the patients, our bricklayers will be there doing some work making the foundation strong. This shelter will only have a 1 meter tall wall all around it and the rest of the space will be airy with a roof on top of it to allow free air circulation as we deal with TB cases.
It is now left to us to reciprocate your well intended efforts by way of making good use of them and ensure that they serve a purpose and last long. We are so very very grateful for this gesture because if it were not for your sacrificial support, we may not have had all these vital office equipments to allow for the smooth running of this organization. God Bless you so much, we love you and we are praying for you!!!
Hooray!!! I'm so excited to see these items in the possession of CAM and being put to use!! Praise our Great God!