The human journey project is focused on helping people encounter the opportunities in which deliberate action will produce a long-term quality increase in the human experience. No matter the truth that lies outside the construct of our perceptions, the paradigms we operate under, or the physical laws we define to guide all actions, the only real, genuine objects a human being can influence in this existence are other human beings.
A person develops habits and philosophies and ways of living, so that his or her natural passions and actions allow the heart and soul beneath to shine through and guide the course of life in this world. Regardless of what part of the world you live in, or what role you hold during your short stay here, you have an individual choice as to how much you will act to perturb the natural flow of things.
The Project was formed to create links, plain and simple. Every person encompasses a unique, personal universe with the potential to love and appreciate and beautify any of the 6.8 billion other universes which exist out there. The long walks to find these links do not happen upon merely cultures, religions, and governments, but people, families, and communities.
The direction of your Journey is a personal choice, but will always result in finding your own barefoot roots as you bring yourself back to the earth, and to the true simplicity and elegance that surround human relationships. And there you will always discover whole people, and ways of eating, sharing, hoping, praying, musing, living, and loving which would have never previously existed before your multifaceted perceptions.
It is my hope that this community of travelers can establish a solid base for discovering boundless opportunities to learn, help, and commune. May the results effect the betterment of the human spirit along every stop on the winding road.
Thanks for coming along