Sunday, December 30, 2012

CAM: lookin back

Stan sent us a holiday update recently.  We're all stoked at how things are going in Zambia with his medical program!  You can read it here

Pretty cool to see the new medical center go from this:

(we had to strip some wiring and light bulb fixtures from Stan's house to rig up lighting for the multiple midnight shifts at the construction site! Glad no one got electrocuted)

To this:

(a year later, final fluorescent fixtures installed before commissioning the center on govt land as a govt supported outreach program!)

Thanks to Liz Rini for funding most of the medical shelter project and continuing on as CAM's primary sponsor for medical outreach operations in Kitwe!

Thanks Keisha Garber for all the time invested in country, living and working with Stan's family and, among many other amazing efforts, helping out hands-on with CAM's fantastic progress.

Thanks to all supporting financial sponsors and Walk of Lions fundraiser staff for being the reason CAM has an office, teaching materials, social networking, connectivity to government officials, and a company truck (pictured above) which will save hundreds of dollars a month in transportation costs and give CAM a larger footprint in the community!

I want to emphasize how important it is to work on efforts like this together.  "We" accomplish amazing things, "I" had nothing to do with it.  Stan and his family and community are our brothers and sisters and they are paying everything forward.  What starts out as a curiosity from a traveler can turn into a movement and a communal achievement with all the right amount of heart poured in.  That's how I hope the human journey project can work in the future across so many communities

I'm excited to be changing gears now and making progress soon an getting HJP a good start from a business sense.  There are some incredible people out here in the Boston area who have some experience in starting things up, and I am fortunate that good advice is easy to come by thanks to the great nature of everyone I've met out here.

I wish you all a fantastic 2013 and all the opportunity to find joy in each other!  Thanks Stan for changing my life, and it's an honor to call you my hero, and to see the progress you make down the road.


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