Yesterday was a pretty day in San Diego
Yesterday involved much asphalt and concrete
And yesterday destroyed my feet
Broke in a pair of trail shoes which were one size too large... on purpose... but to the detriment of my heels. Of course, letting the skin heal and toughen up is the other benefit to "breaking in"
I hadn't seen John in two years, and Brooke, his wife, for much longer than that. And Sarah much, much farther back. We all went to school together, and it was pleasurable running into these old friends... John found me at Sea World trying to toss an entire bucket of rings onto the bottle patch. The 5 year old girl before me won a giant stuffed octopus. I won nothing. After a warm manly embrace, we headed to the dolphins, but those majestic beasts would not approach our end of the tank. Guess I am better at communing with them in the wild (had to do with an interesting boat race many years ago).
My three friends ran the marathon the next day in great time. I did my usual thing (which means they finished, went back to the hotel, showered, probably played a few rounds of monopoly... and then drove back to pick me up). For about 10 miles of my stroll I walked with a gal named Tracy, with whom I found much in common. Her dad was an Air America helicopter pilot, and she grew up all over the world. 3 hours is a long time to chat it up, and we had a nice time enjoying the day. She was participating for
Team in Training, whom I had a chance to support a few years ago. The SD marathon is one of their biggest events... and sure enough those noticeable jerseys were flowing all over the course. Near the end of the race, TnT runners and coaches were slapping me on the back saying "hey, that's the Gobi guy, rock on!" guess word travels fast on the purple train.
On the drive home I ate my last In-N-Out meal before China (I've started the massive taper). I found a radio station which was interviewing
Princess Zulu, an AIDS activist from Zambia. I became fascinated listening to her intimate biography, in her own words, and I ordered her book last night. It's on the "shelf" now.
Three weeks left... feet breaking in. Mind breaking in. Death Valley next two weekends (that'll be interesting). Then the walk
one step at a time...