Today was neat
I participated in another marathon
And I finished right before they tore down the finish line, haha
We drove out to Cinci early as a thunderstorm spooled up over the race course, making us drenched and not warm right before they fired the pistol

Luckily for me (and not Chris, Christin, or Kristin), I was wearing my lucky bean flop and long sleeves, making me impervious to the wet lashing from above. Unluckily for me, I was also carrying the weight of full desert dress and a race ruck... making my journey through the course long and causing painful disagreements between the asphalt and my hiking boots.
Beautifully however, thousands of people did realize what the Walk of Lions is all about, as I was constantly reminded from bystanders that I was the fastest (and only) guy with a pack slogging through the race. I even got a few folks to check out the website during the long day.

After some brief high fives and exhausted congrats were exchanged at the finish, the four of us drove off into the sunset.... and by sunset I mean Red Robin... a place where much scarfing took place and rejoicing echoed.
Training for a big race in the middle of the desert is fun. Training by hitting a marathon with your friends is priceless. Thanks to you three for making it worthwhile!
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